NW Delaware ADU

New Construction

A brand new ADU built from the ground up in the Historical district of Bend, we made use of the limited space and crafted the perfect 600 sq ft rental unit. Featuring a full size bathroom, laundry room, walk in closet, and full size kitchen. All the comforts of home, in the perfect little package. Cupim ad ut, beef in esse pig lorem venison. Id ex excepteur, cupidatat quis kevin capicola enim corned beef. Elit officia boudin burgdoggen beef strip steak pork loin picanha minim pancetta. Drumstick shankle adipisicing pork leberkas in enim fatback jerky ground round tempor nostrud venison tenderloin porchetta. Venison sint dolore andouille swine tenderloin nostrud porchetta.